Guidance for current UW–Madison veteran students including how to confirm your benefits each semester, resources, and things to do as a veteran.
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Info for prospective students
Info for new or transfer students
About University Veterans Services
Confirm your education benefits
Each semester, you will need to confirm the benefits you wish to use.
Attending UW as a veteran
Help with navigating academic, social, and cultural experiences.
Receiving federal benefits
Information on VA course restrictions, entitlement charges, payment methods, and VA debt
Active duty
A checklist and steps to take before leaving UW–Madison, and steps to take when returning.
Using Benefits to Study Abroad
Find information about using your education benefits to cover some of the costs of studying abroad.
School Certifying Officials
They’ll help guide you with the application and certification process, as well as assist with any other questions.
Attending UW as a military kid
Find information and programming for students who are children of veterans or active duty service members.
Report an issue
Student of Concern
When you are concerned about a student's well-being or know a student who may need additional support.
Bias Concern
Including slurs, degrading language, epithets, graffiti, symbols, assault, microagressions, and harassment.
Other Incidents
This could include a student that you are concerned about, hazing, stalking, or a missing student.
University Veteran Services
school certifying officials
Call us at:
Email us at:
University Veterans Services
333 East Campus Mall
10th floor, Suite 10320
Madison, WI 53715
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm
Drop-ins are always welcome, but appointments are encouraged.
Please visit our About Us page to make an appointment with a member of our staff.